Sunday, April 18, 2010

My Dream

I had a dream.. but not of course about freedom!!
I wishes about a new computer of course.
This thing dont suck just because its been modified by me a bit.
I wish if i had a good hard disc of 1 terabyte. Now its less costly than others.
i want a Good and simple graphics card which support all games for this and the next century.. Just a dream
...aww.. Bored already? sorry for that.
well... i just thought to blog something

Dont think I'm mad... ^ This is Just rubbish Writing ^
I'm even bored reading it...

Hi guys

Its been a while since i posted blogs here.
well.. nothing great happened here.
sorry... coz i always use "...."(sort of dots) in anything i write
nevermind.. Well im downloading Cricket 2007 using torrent and it is freakin' cool
nearly 210kB/s download speed and upload is limited to 22kB/s because thats god for the torrent . I use and recommend VUZE the torrent downloader.
Its got some magic in it. Even Utorrent gave me only nearly 32kBps and that speed even was the highest that time for me!!
Funny!! isnt it?

Saturday, April 10, 2010

My little creations on 3ds max

These are only beginners..
Well.. im a beginner anyway
some photos are here

Friday, April 9, 2010

Making pictures Using letters

Thats certainly some art...
Well there are softwares for it.
Ascii generator is the name of the software.

Ascgen is an example.
The link:


Some ascii arts didnt work well...
i have to find some way..

The ascii art of a great animation art.. The DragonBall Z.

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At last...

The lucky day of me.. To have time for a blog. Well, I'm not a celebrity or such things. I just am a
boy who is a beginner blogger. I need you notice me so that it make me grow up.
Wish you a good day